Early/Emergency Closures

Please remember to listen to Radio Orkney in times of bad weather. Orkney Islands Council now has a Facebook page and Twitter feed for posting notices of bad weather and school closures.

The Radio Orkney Facebook page provides updates as well. We will endeavour to keep the school open where at all possible, weather, transport and staffing permitting. If the school is open and the buses do not run, parents can make their own arrangements to get their children to and from school. Equally, parents can choose to keep their children home if they feel it is unsafe for them to be out. Please let us know if you keep your children off due to the weather as part of the usual procedures.

If the school is going to close early parents/caregivers will be alerted through the school text system and parents/carers are expected to come and collect their children. Children are not released to walk home independently if the conditions are so bad that we have to close the school early.

  • Parents / carers of P5-P7 pupils without siblings to collect their children from rear playground.
  • Parents / carers of P5-P7 pupils with siblings in P1-P4 classes will collect from the front playground exit in the Janitors’ corridor.
  • Parents then go to their usual Nursery entrance/exit to collect their youngest child

and ensure their departure is recorded before leaving.

Useful Links

OIC School Emergency Closures Page

OIC Winter Newsletter (October 2020)

School Transport FAQs (October 2018)

OIC Facebook and Twitter Updates

Radio Orkney Facebook Page

Radio Orkney Twitter Feed